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Post Covid Setup: ”New-Normal” Working Models Vs. Efficiency

As the COVID-19 pandemic fades into history, employees and employers argue whether to stay in a WFH environment, embrace the hybrid setup or return to a F2F one.

In this post, we’ve evaluated the pros and cons of each setup in terms of communication, productivity, and sustainability to help you decide! Find the one that best fits your lifestyle and technique. This choice will significantly influence your work life, enhancing your job efficiency and stability!

The Traditional: Face-to-face Setup

Face-to-face work is what most of us are used to from our pre-pandemic lives. Before the outbreak, this was how we did everything from office work to client meetings. However, does this setup stand up in a post-pandemic world?


In an actual workplace, you get to see and interact with individuals daily, even if they aren’t from your department, instead of only seeing them digitally at a general conference or webinar. Instead of asking through emails and texts, this engagement provides a more pleasant working relationship, less misunderstanding, and faster response to work requests.


People’s productivity might vary since some prefer to work alone in their homes. However, some people may need an appropriate working area in their homes, allowing for random interruptions and noise that might impair productivity. Having a place where they are expected to execute their professional tasks is merely a break for those who simultaneously manage family responsibilities and housework.


In terms of equipment and Internet issues, a face-to-face setting can compensate for these shortcomings. While most companies give budgets and device allowances for their workers, such as wifi, laptops, headphones, and desktops, the individual bears some financial obligation for additional work-related equipment.

For certain people with specialized tasks requiring specific apparatus and equipment, face-to-face communication is convenient and necessary for their work. However, one of the drawbacks of a face-to-face setup is the exhausting toil of daily commutes to and from the office. The long and complex commute is a disadvantage that would be fine in a WFH environment.

The Modern: Remote Setup

The remote setup has permanently changed our workplace. It saved us through a difficult moment and has been a valuable setting for most of our careers. It has also created new job positions that only existed after the pandemic. But now that the epidemic is ended, do we still require this setup?


Technology has done so much to improve our communication throughout the years. It has improved the speed, efficiency, and accessibility of our communications. Many software and platforms have enabled workplace communication to continue, even virtually, during moments such as the COVID-19 lockdown.

Read More: The Truth About Co-working Spaces and Why a Lot of People See This as a Great Alternative

Employees have even been allowed to apply for jobs and positions in multinational firms because of a WFH setup—no need for a visa or relocation! Virtual communication promotes workplace efficiency. 


You can combine work and life with the flexibility of remote work settings. You can now attend meetings and work on projects while spending time with your family. Employees can now work on their own time and at their own pace.

This flexibility has fit so many lifestyles that even full-time moms and dads can now balance their careers with parenthood. Instead of being constrained to work during set hours, people may now work at their most productive hours. Some people are night owls, meaning they accomplish most of their work at night. 


Regarding commuting expenses, a remote setup is more sustainable for employees, especially given today’s rising gas prices. Working from the comfort of your own home saves you money. Compared to the rush and bustle of waking up in work clothes to go to the office, you may make your food and dress in comfortable clothing. Parents with children no longer have to pay for babysitting.

The Evolved: Hybrid Setup

In a post-pandemic era, the hybrid setup was created to fulfill the demands of both businesses and employees. It solves the issues and concerns of those who prefer WFH or F2F by combining an in-office approach with a remote job. Will it, however, be a function, given the newness of this setup?


A hybrid setup will provide employees and employers with the best of both worlds. Companies can conduct face-to-face meetings for in-depth discussions and brainstorming. Employees can do everyday job activities and meet demands virtually. If you need clarification or have a problem with an email you got from a coworker, you can address it with them the next office day.


In either case, the benefit of choosing what work task to accomplish in your home and office is significant since you are the one who determines which setup works best for your efficiency and production. You may be more productive at the office while working on papers and projects, but you would like to hold virtual meetings at home. Make sure you express whatever you decide to your superior while searching for the ideal F2F and WFH allocation.


A hybrid setup is also more sustainable since it reduces the risk of COVID-19 exposure while still enabling an effective workforce. This benefit is essential, especially for employees with vulnerable persons, such as newborns, children, older citizens, and those with underlying medical disorders.

When it comes to employees with mental health problems, a hybrid setup can also be a great way of keeping a work-life balance in check. Being able to stay at home and do things you love between office meetings and projects can help individuals with psychological challenges maintain a healthy mind and body to help them cope with work and everyday life.


Now that we are in the post-pandemic era, companies and employees are slowly inching their way into the “new normal.” Processes have been changed, and some have been permanently altered to keep businesses going. These work models are not for everyone; therefore, it is very important to weigh all the pros and cons for employees and management to maintain a productive work environment regardless of where the work is mainly done.

Generally, each setup has advantages and disadvantages. You need to decide based on your current and anticipated situation in the near future. The right setup and task will find you.

If you want to learn more, be sure to read the other blog we have carefully created to help companies and freelancers improve their business strengths through proven strategies and helpful tricks.