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Quiet Quitting Uncovered: The Truth About This Silent Tragedy | ValuedHR - Experienced Virtual Administrative Assitants

Written by ValuedHR Business Services | Jun 29, 2024 2:28:56 AM

The pandemic has forced changes in our lives that we never could have imagined. Perhaps one of the most significant changes in the way we work. With so many people now working from home, there is a need for new strategies to stay connected and productive. Employers need to find ways to motivate their employees and prevent them from quietly quitting. 

Quiet quitting can be a major problem for businesses. It’s important to catch it early so that you can address the underlying issues and try to retain your best employees. In this blog, we will discuss what quiet quitting is, why it’s happening, and ways to prevent it from getting worse.

What is Quiet Quitting?

Employees who are quiet quitting usually just do the minimum required. They come into the office, do what’s required of them, and then leave. Many staff members are simply collecting a check without any ambition to advance or exceed expectations. They don’t want to get fired, but they aren’t motivated to do more work or stay late; in fact, many of them are uninterested in assisting their employer reach objectives.

The pandemic has changed the way we work. With so many people now working remotely, the traditional 9-5 office job is no longer the norm. For some, this has been a godsend; they can finally put in the extra effort to get ahead, without having to worry about putting in face time at the office. However, for others, the lack of structure has been difficult to adjust to. Employees who were used to coming into an office every day and being able to complete their work without any distractions now find themselves struggling to stay focused at home.

This new way of working has highlighted a problem that was always there but was easier to ignore when everyone was in the office: some employees just don’t want to do it or adjust to it. With no one looking over their shoulder, it’s easy to slack off and coast through the workday. For those who are struggling with the transition to remote work, or who simply aren’t motivated by their current job, quitting may seem like the best option. 

What are the indications an employee is Quietly Quitting?

There are several indications that an employee is quietly quitting. First and foremost, there is a marked decrease in productivity. If an employee is normally a high performer but suddenly starts slacking off, it’s a sign that they’ve lost interest in their work. Another indication of quiet quitting is a change in attitude.

An employee who is usually cheerful may become sullen and negative. Finally, employees who are quietly quitting will often start to distance themselves from their coworkers. They may stop participating in team meetings or social activities, and they may no longer be interested in networking or furthering their career. If you notice any of these signs in an employee, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible.

Why is Quiet Quitting Happening?

There are a few possible reasons why quiet quitting is happening. 

First, the pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in the workplace. Employees may be worried about job security or their ability to advance in their careers. 

Second, many people are struggling to adjust to the new normal of remote work. The lack of structure and human interaction can be difficult to deal with, especially for extroverts. 

Finally, some employees may simply be unhappy with their current job. They may not feel challenged or engaged by the work, or they may not be recognized for their efforts. 

Sometimes, employees who were aggressively doing their jobs in the hopes of getting promoted lose interest when a promotion is not given. While this type of quitting can happen for a variety of reasons, it’s often a sign that the employee is unhappy with their current situation.  

How Can Quiet Quitting Be Prevented?

There are a few things that employers can do to prevent quiet quitting from happening. Let’s explore them in depth.

1. Communicate openly and frequently with employees

Employers need to keep lines of communication open with their employees. This way, employees will feel like they can come to you with any problems or concerns they have. Additionally, employers should make sure to give employees regular updates about the company’s plans and goals. This will help employees feel more secure in their jobs and less likely to look for other opportunities.

2. Provide support during difficult times

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone. Employees may be struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Employers need to provide support for employees who are going through tough times. This could include offering employee assistance programs, mental health resources, or even just having someone to talk to. By doing this, you’ll show your employees that you care about them and their well-being, which can make them more likely to stay with your company.

3. Offer competitive compensation and benefits

Finally, employers should make sure they’re offering competitive compensation and benefits. This is especially important in today’s job market. Employees who feel like they’re being paid fairly and have good benefits are much less likely to quit without notice than those who don’t.

Quiet quitting can be a major problem for employers. However, there are a few things you can do to prevent it from happening. By communicating openly with employees, offering flexible work arrangements, and being transparent about the future, you can encourage your employees to stick around. Additionally, offering competitive compensation and benefits will make it less likely that employees will look for other opportunities.

4. Use online tools to measure productivity

Employers use tools to track the worker’s productivity within the day. Time trackers now are being used more to see what the worker is doing with their time so that the employer can give better feedback. Employers also look at how much the worker is engaged in their work.

Productivity monitoring tools are the new normal for a lot of employers. Before, an employer would have to rely on the self-reporting of the employee and maybe their manager’s observations to get a sense of whether someone was working their eight hours. But now, with timely screenshots being taken in real-time, an employer can see everything that an employee is doing every minute they’re logged into their computer. 

The use of these tools has helped employers and employees to see where the time is being spent and if there are any productivity issues.


Quiet quitting is a problem that employers need to be aware of. With the right strategies in place, it’s possible to keep employees interested and engaged in their work. 

Keeping employees engaged by providing them with challenges can make a difference. Employees who are given assignments that are too easy or boring are more likely to become disengaged and start looking for other ways to occupy their time. By giving employees challenging assignments, employers can keep them engaged and motivated. 

Finally, employers need to make sure that their employees feel appreciated. Employees who feel like their hard work is going unnoticed are more likely to become disengaged and start looking for other opportunities. By showing appreciation for their employee’s hard work, employers can show them that they value their contributions. 

Related Article: The Great Resignation: The Truth About This Workplace-Changing Phenomenon

If you want to learn more, be sure to read the other blog we have carefully created to help companies improve their business strengths through proven strategies and helpful tricks.