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The Future Of Remote Staffing In A Digital Society | ValuedHR - Experienced Virtual Administrative Assitants

Written by ValuedHR Business Services | Jun 29, 2024 2:27:01 AM

For generations during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the general model of workplace communication remained unchanged. Workers came from their homes to congregate at a single location from which a company’s affairs were conducted. This was the only reasonable way that people could gather and work together.

Now, as communication becomes easier and technology improves, this age-old model is quickly becoming outdated. From smartphones to laptops, high-powered devices make it possible to collaborate with people in a remote setting. Unsurprisingly, this has revolutionized the working world. 

As we become increasingly interconnected on the worldwide web, more companies are outsourcing jobs and hiring staff in distant locations. While this trend has already brought massive changes, we can expect even more developments in the future. By examining how virtual work functions and how it has already changed the world, we can predict the further changes we’re likely to see in the future.

What Is Remote Staffing?

From outsourcing to staffing remotely, there are all sorts of ways that a company can use the web to improve their operations. Remote staffing is the particular method by which a business hires staff members in a remote setting. 

How It Works

Traditionally, business owners expected staff to arrive daily for work at a certain place. With virtual staffing, the company hires workers in some distant location. These new hires will be real employees, not mere contractors, but they will often complete their duties without ever stepping foot on the company’s physical premises. Some companies hire their own long-distance staff, while others work through an entity like ValuedHR that makes the process easier.

Why It’s Beneficial

Hiring remote workers allows a company to access professional staff while saving money. Take, for example, the staff necessary to run the customer service department. Instead of bringing in local employees who might demand higher salaries and who will need to waste time commuting every day, a company could hire virtual workers who would do a better job for less pay.

The Recent History of Remote Workers

Virtual jobs have become increasingly common as technology improves. Given the ease of long-distance communication, it makes sense for an entrepreneur to outsource certain types of jobs and make hire virtual workers.. 

Evolving Alongside Technological Innovations

Thirty years ago, efficient collaboration was impossible if people were not in the same physical space. Within a company, the sales, customer service, and product development teams had to work from a single headquarters in order to communicate effectively. As the internet, personal devices, and shared drives became accessible, some workers were able to work remotely. All the same, in-person collaboration remained the norm until the covid19 pandemic accelerated existing trends.

Surge in Popularity During the Pandemic

When covid19 made in-person interactions dangerous, the entire business world was forced to adjust its methods. Suddenly, the type of long-distance collaboration that had once been an exotic possibility became an absolute necessity. With the wider world in turmoil, many businesses and workers grew accustomed to new models. In many cases, they were happy to leave the old methods behind. 

Future Trends To Expect

While the pandemic catalyzed the general shift towards remote jobs, there are still many more changes to come. As companies recognize they’re dealing with a permanent paradigm change rather than a short-term adjustment, they’ll solidify working remotely as standard practice. Here are some trends we can expect to accompany these developments.

Digital Communication Will Become The Norm

While many workers quickly grew accustomed to virtual meetings and messenger applications, many others have continued to prefer old-fashioned methods. In-person conversations and physical meetings maintain their popularity. In the future, however, we can expect even more interactions to become digital. People will think nothing of sharing important information through virtual means. While there will always be a place for in-person dialogue, we can expect it to become the exception rather than the rule.

Workers Will Expect Long-Distance Opportunities

For generations, people have assumed their physical presence would be required for their job. While a small number of freelancers and computer technicians have worked from home, everyone else accepted that commuting to work was simply part of modern life. As virtual work becomes more common, more workers will be on the lookout for jobs that allow them to operate from home. Companies that provide these types of opportunities will be able to choose from a wider pool of applicants. 

Companies Will Improve Their Communications Technology

When the pandemic first hit, many companies were understandably caught off-guard. Forced to adjust to a virtual model they hadn’t properly prepared for, many had to get by with substandard technologies. Now, as companies recognize the advantages of virtual models, they’ll invest in the devices, software, and cybersecurity measures that allow them to make long-distance staff even more effective.

There Will Be More Fairness In The Virtual Workplace

While virtual work might be less personal, it’s also a lot more fair. When everyone is physically present at the workplace, human nature makes certain issues inevitable. Bosses might favor a particular employee because of their appearance or personality. Social issues cause drama that sends repercussions rippling through the office. When everyone is working from home, often in different cities or even different countries, it is easier for each person to act as a consummate professional. 

Companies Will Increase Productivity

While some managers expected working from home to bring decreased productivity, the opposite has actually proven to be the case. Many people have reported that it’s easier to do their job when they’re operating from a home office. As technology improves and workers become even more accustomed to their at-home routines, we can expect this productivity to increase further. This will eventually allow businesses to make a bigger profit.

Companies Will Be More Resilient

Whether you’re managing a country, a company, or a household, having all your resources in the same place is bound to make you more vulnerable. When a company brings all its workers together in a single facility, it leaves itself susceptible to problems that strike that particular location. If a natural disaster knocks out the power in the city, the business’s operations must come to a standstill. If roadwork makes commuting nightmarish, employees will have to show for work all the same. When a company’s workers are scattered around the globe, they can never be affected by these types of issues at the same time. This will make the company more resilient across the board, which will ultimately increase the likelihood of long-term success. 

Workers Will Become Happier

People around the world have expressed their contentment with virtual work. Avoiding a commute adds time to their day, while operating from home makes it easier to take care of personal and familial obligations. Remote workers can make their own schedule and work according to their personal preferences. Not only does this make them more productive, but it also makes them happier. Happier workers, of course, are also more productive workers, meaning that the entire process operates as a positive cycle. It’s always a win for business owners when workers are both happier and more productive. 

How Your Company Can Transition to Remote Staffing

If you’re an entrepreneur eager to profit from the technological advances of the digital world, you should consider hiring some of your staff remotely. You’ll never win in the contemporary environment without taking advantage of the possibility for remote jobs within your company. While some companies choose to outsource work, you could opt for staffing remotely instead. 

Even if your company already boasts considerable technological infrastructure, it is still difficult to hire virtual workers on your own. ValuedHR can help make sure you complete the process correctly. With years of experience and an in-depth understanding of the digital world, ValuedHR is uniquely placed to make your long-distance staffing an unqualified success. 

The first step toward revolutionizing your company is talking with a ValuedHR representative for a 30-minute consultation. During this conversation, you can share your vision and learn how ValuedHR can help. Schedule your consultation today to get started.

The future of communication is digital, and the future of work is virtual. Don’t let your company fall behind.